Shaun: Heroin Addict Finds Support Needed to Stay Sober, Find Work, and Make His Way Off the Streets.
Like many people, I started using drugs during the pandemic.
Up until then, I had a 19-year career at a well-respected northern Utah company and was my kid’s baseball coach. But during the COVID years, I began a relationship with a woman who had a heroin addiction. I thought that through our relationship I could help her get sober, but instead, the opposite happened.
As my addiction worsened, I lost my job, lost my house, and ended up on the streets, even eating out of garbage cans at times. I picked up several misdemeanor charges for small crimes related to drug use and possession. However, during the pandemic the police were not taking most people with misdemeanor warrants to jail. Anytime I was charged with another misdemeanor I would walk free.
One night in the summer of 2023, I was homeless on Ogden’s streets and I started praying to God. I told Him I couldn’t live this life anymore. I asked Him for help.
As I was praying an Ogden police car rolled up behind me. They asked to see my ID. The police told me I had several misdemeanor warrants for my arrest and that they were taking me to jail. I told them that I thought cops weren’t putting people with misdemeanors in jail, and they informed me the policy had been lifted the day before.
While nobody wants to go to jail, I took my arrest as an answer to prayer. I figured that it could not be a coincidence that I was asking God for help and then arrested a minute later. I concluded God must be real and that He wanted to help me.
I came to realize jail is what I needed. I couldn’t gain access to drugs, and they had recovery meetings I could attend. After a while, I learned I could be released from jail into a recovery program. I didn’t have any money or way to pay for a program, but a fellow inmate told me about the Ogden Rescue Mission. He said the program was free and faith-based.
I was released to the Ogden Rescue Mission’s New Life Program. While on the New Life Program, I let Jesus into my life. I was able to get back into the swing of working while doing laundry and kitchen duties at the Mission. I found joy in helping others. I would see people I knew from the streets getting meals or staying overnight. I would hearten them by telling them if God can help me, He can help anyone, and encouraged them to join the program.
When I was using drugs and on the streets, my relationships with my family were distant. Today, I have good relationships with my family. I have four children and am able to pay child support, thanks to the good job I have with a commercial/residential window company. I text and talk with my kids often. Last month my sister even invited me to start going to church with her at God’s Place in Ogden. It has been awesome connecting with her and starting a new church family there.
My brother is hanging out with me again and I can go to Utah Jazz games with friends and family and do other fun things. While my mother has passed away, I am able to connect with my father at times as well.
It is incredible to see how God has worked in my life. He brought me to sobriety and into a relationship with Him. He certainly does work in mysterious ways, including using being arrested and jail time as answers to prayer! Without God leading me to the Ogden Rescue Mission, I don’t know where I would be or if I would even be alive. Now I look forward to graduating from the New Life Program in July, moving out on my own, and continuing to work and support myself. Please keep me and the Ogden Rescue Mission in your prayers.
Thank you for supporting this ministry that God used to change my life!
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