God Works to Bring People Back to Him

Recently I was hiking with my family, enjoying the changing season and fall colors. It was a difficult hike. At times we rested in the shade. We took water breaks. At one point we talked about turning back, which some of us did. Others hiked on and enjoyed lunch overlooking the valley. It was a difficult, yet blessed time for our family.

The hike and season change reminded me about our work at the Rescue Mission to help people do difficult things to experience a changed life. It also brought to mind how Jesus’ disciples experienced radical change in their lives. Jesus knew he faced death on the cross. He knew he was about to die, raise to new life, and gift the Holy Spirit to His disciples shortly thereafter. Jesus had to keep His “Band of Brothers and Sisters” together during this very difficult time of immense change.

Amid this change, the apostle Peter and some others returned to their old way of life and went fishing. Jesus would have nothing of this. Their fishing efforts failed and Jesus watched them struggle. But to help, Jesus provided fish. The resurrected Jesus cooked breakfast for His struggling and discouraged disciples, who seemed to want to return their old way of life. In the midst of Jesus cooking breakfast, He called to his hurting friends and asked them how they were doing, and taught them how to be successful at fishing on the other side of the boat.

I share my family’s story and this part of the Bible to note that life change can happen around season change and food, which are both key parts of our ministry at the Rescue Mission. Almost everyone who comes through our door is hungry and in need of food. People also often come through our door when they are experiencing a season change in their life. While hunger brings many people to our door, the help people really need is radical spiritual change. It’s a change as profound as a green leaf turning yellow, red, or orange. Just like any hike we may go on to see God’s fall colors, the journey may be hard (and some may even turn back) but it is worth it.

Every day at the Rescue Mission we ask hurting people to keep going and embrace change by God’s grace. We encourage them to welcome the difficult and become the person God is molding them to be. The initial invitation might be as simple as to join us for a meal or a short walk around the block, but the purpose is to change the life of a hurting person who is struggling and desperately wants the hope we can provide through God’s awesome and life-changing power.

Thank you for enabling us to help those in our community who want help, but are struggling to find it.

God bless you,

Chris D. Croswhite

Executive Director

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