Please Support Operation Hydration Today!

There is very little that is more essential to physical life than water and so providing water is a key part of our ministry during the summer months.

But it is also true that there is nothing more essential to spiritual life than the living water a relationship that Jesus brings into a person’s heart.

Living water is more than just a physical thirst quencher. Sharing living water can build a relationship with the source of living water, Jesus. To share living water with a person is to show care, build trust, and create respect.

Still, a cool bottle of water on a summer day is a great conversation starter. Giving a cold beverage under the blazing sun makes our homeless friends feel seen, cared for, and respected. This simple act leads to trust and conversations that our Seek and Rescue Teams use to attract our homeless friends into our programs that create pathways off the streets.

Whether it’s our full New Life Program for those who are stuck in addiction, or our Transitions Program, for those who have lost jobs and need a temporary place to stay as they seek employment, or those who just need housing referrals, we are here to help. After all, a chilled bottle of water on days nearing 100-degrees (days we have termed at the Rescue Mission to be Triple Digit Danger days) can start a life changing relationship.

We are in need of bottles of water to hand out to our homeless friends, also small bottles of sunscreen, brimmed hats, lip balm, refillable water bottles, bath soap, shampoo, socks, and underwear (all sizes). Our water bill goes way up in the summer, as people come to us to take a cool shower and escape sweat-drenched clothes.

Thank you in advance for your support for our homeless friends this summer!

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